Buyer Protection

Buyer protection which protecting your purchase from click to delivery. We want you to shop with confidence. That is why we provide guarantees that ensure you will receive your item on time and as described.

What guarantees can I get?

  1. Full refund if you don't receive your order, you will get a full refund if your order does not arrive within the delivery time.
  2. Full or partial refund if the item is not as described, if your item is significantly different from the product description, you can:

    A: Return it and get a full refund.

    B: Get a partial refund and keep the item.

  3. All products that are shipped can be returned, as long as they are unused and in perfect condition, but customer will need to cover/handle return shipping cost, learn more about our Return Policy.

How does Buyer Protection work?

If your order has not arrived within the promised time, or is not as described in our product page, please Cotact Us as soon as possible. we will give you full refund or exchange the new products for you immediately. Our customer service team will work closely with you and we try our best to streamline the process to avoid any more hassles on you.

What are other buyers saying?

I got to know about DEHTILE in a fashion blog. I found many nice things and I am amazed with the variety! My first purchase was stone glass tiles for my kitchen remodeling, they arrived in perfect conditions in 5 days. I love it! Also in my opinion it is very important to see the quality of the supplier. - Anthony R. California, CA

It's my first time buying online ever, and it was a big order, containing 190 sq ft for my bathromm and kitchen. The seller was really helpful and even considered the fact that express had stopped dispatching and offered to ship by air for the same price (free shipping). She was fast at replying and I received the package within a week. - Dawn S. Tennessee, TN

Since the first time I saw some photos of mother of pearl tile from, it was very interesting to me this particular material, how beautiful looks and of course it's a natural material. My project was only installing it in a small area in my bathroom. It just took me a few hours to install this pearl tile and it turned out to be a beautiful focal point in my bathroom. - Adam L. Florida, FL

I purchased mother or pearl tile for a new remodel project, DEHTILE provides good selection of pearl tile. As contractor I need to find material and advice my clientele about new products, textures, colors, etc. Now I know where to go when I need to have this elegant shell tile. - Samantha P. New Mexico, NM

We wanted to cover the island where the stove is located with mother of pearl tile, that view from the family room to the kitchen area is just wonderful because you can see the wall covered with this beautiful mother of pearl tile that I got from I wish I had found this website before because my kitchen already have installed the glass backsplash, I mean, I do like the one I have selected but it makes me think about how beautiful could it be if I have the same pearl tile as backsplash. I think I will start saving some money because I definitely will have it in my kitchen. I hope my husband does not read this testimonial because he is the one who is going to end up doing the labor part, installing our pearl tile in the near future. I will be checking the DEHTILE website to see what new options of pearl tile will have. - Kelly R. Connecticut, CT

My wet bar was the last project to tackle in my house. My wife selected most of the material for the kitchen renovation and one of the material she found at was the mother of pearl tile and I told her that I want to have the same material for my wet bar. We both ordered the right amount of material for the kitchen backsplash and wet bar. When we invite our family and friends to come over after we finished our kitchen, me and my buddies, where hanging out in my favorite area in the house, the wet bar. They liked the pearl tile I used as backsplash in this area. - Terra M. Maryland, MD

I was looking for a glass tile for over two months. It ended when I was online and found this great tile at The mosaic tile design is what I wanted to have, glass mosaic with a particular character and my fireplace looks amazing. The combination of natural materials, wood and glass tile it's amazing. - Nataly A. Louisiana, LA

I wanted to have a big bathroom and double sink, big mirror and enough counter space. I have got the right vanity for my bathroom, the right color and style. When I saw this backsplash at the DEHTILE website, it was one of a good option. I needed to have at least four or five options and then see the way they look with the rest of the elements (vanity and countertop). So I ordered this backsplash and the prices was good. The quality of this material is very good and when my contractor finished this project, it was a satisfaction to have the bathroom that I really wanted to have! - Adam F. Alabama, AL